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Solution to the ‘Kid Clutter’ Problem 

UXPA2010 Project Poster 

Back in 2010, I've presented my final project (from my graduate studies) at the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) 2010 conference annual conference. The project won the first prize in the International Student Design Competition.



Pass-It-On is a solution to the ‘Kid Clutter’ problem, a by-product of raising children in consumer culture resulting in an accumulation in the home of childcare items. ‘Pass-It-On’ is a social goods exchange network designed to facilitate the sustainable stewardship of new and used childcare items through a shared catalog




User research, personas, task analysis, user flows, wireframe, prototype, usability testing  



  • New or recent parents

  • Living in the Greater Toronto Area

  • Internet access in the home

  • Computer and mobile phone users

  • Minimum high-school education



Household clutter has the potential to negatively impact the mental well-being of children when it accumulates to unacceptable levels in the home. The 'Kid Clutter' is a by-product of raising young children in consumer culture, resulting in an accumulation in the home of children’s clothing, toys, books, and other equipment related to pregnancy/maternity, childcare, and development. Kid clutter encroaches on liveable space in the home and impacts the environment when these items and their packaging end up in landfills 



Facilitate sustainable stewardship of childcare items, saving parents time and money, decreasing duplicate purchasing and packaging waste, and maximizing benefits to local charities and the environment.



  • A social goods exchange network that facilitates sustainable stewardship of childcare items, decreasing packaging waste, and duplicate purchasing

  • Within the Pass-It-On network, users will be able to share information about their own items with other users

  • The network will integrate with Facebook social networking builds on trust inherent in user communities

  • A mobile interface will help manage items around the home where they are used and stored

UPA2010 Project Poster

© 2020 by Dor Reich

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