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An overall redesign of CDW's checkout flows
[sesktop and mobile platforms]



CDW (corporate, government, and Canadian sites)



User research, competitive analysis, user flows, workshop, wireframe, prototype, and usability test  



  • Inconsistent checkout experience, with high level of complexity (UX and UI)

  • Low checkout-to-buy conversion of new customers 

  • Low cart-to-checkout conversion on mobile 



  • Focus on new users/customers who have never placed an online order

  • Solution should not negatively impact return customers

  • New mobile solution for new users/potential customers [design a guest checkout on mobile]



Within the first three months, the new design doubled the volume of mobile orders, improving conversion by more than 5% and increasing total revenue by over 8%


Click here to view the "Checkout Release Notification", which our team had shared with CDW's Account Managers


Mobile-Web Checkout Redesign (wires) 

CDW mobile-web new checkout experience: guest-user wireframes

Mobile-Web Checkout Redesign (comps) 

CDW mobile-web new checkout experience: final design comps

Mobile Guest-Checkout [NEW Design] (comps) 

Remove sign-in barriers to place an order, and provide an opportunity to convert one-time-buyer to a life-time customer

© 2020 by Dor Reich

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